Finding Joy in the Little Things
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What's better than joy? I absolutely love laughter and happiness - it's the best thing!
Sometimes life can be going really great and it's really easy to be happy, sometimes life can be neutral, and sometimes life can be painstakingly numb.
But I've learnt that in all seasons, seeking joy (even just in the little things) is key to my happiness.
I've been so blessed this year with colleagues that love to laugh, and love to make each other laugh. Working with kids certainly has it's joyful moments, too. Kids allow anything and everything to be amusing - and it's so much fun to witness and enjoy. We really do have lots to learn from children's minds!
About a year ago, I completed my first ever A-Z of Thanks list. It was amidst a really difficult season in my life, arguably the most difficult time of my life to date. Spending a day thinking up the contents of my list really helped to show me that finding gratitude in the little things was a little yet big stepping stone to feeling more grateful for my life day to day. Perhaps it's time for another list, just for fun? An A-Z of Joy. Watch this space.
Joy is right there, staring you in the face, hidden in plain sight. Last week I was driving home from work. It was hot, my air con was taking too long to kick in, and I hit traffic almost straight away. I looked up to see that the car's numberplate in front of me read WASHED and I was instantly reminded of the day that I got baptised. And looking even further up, I saw a dog in the back of that same car who's hair was styled brilliantly! Like it had just had a wash and blow dry!! The dog looked like a giant, white, fluffy pom pom. The traffic started moving, I laughed to myself and we went our separate ways, only for me to be met with another dog in the car in front at the next set of traffic lights. This dog was sat in the middle back seat of the car, and just as one of it's owners reached over towards the other, the dog sprung up eager to be part of the family love. Looking hopefully from owner to owner, as if it was watching a tennis match, in anticipation of getting some attention too. Really cute, and really quite funny.
It's these small moments, ones that are so easy for us fly through life without seeing, that are so worth slowing down to enJOY.
I really hope this weekend that lots of these silly/funny/joyful moments pop up to brighten your ordinary days.
Click here to see last year's A-Z of Thanks.
A little life update for you:
The last week of my gap year is just around the corner, and with all the amazing things going on in the office and at camp over the next week, these days are going to fly by!
But that won't be the end. I've been offered, and I've accepted, a short term contract (maternity cover for a colleague) with the charity that I've been gap year-ing with! It's such amazing timing and such good news. Over the course of this entire year, never have I felt that dreaded 'back to school' feeling that was all too familiar a few years ago. I love my job and the people I work with. And I'm so happy to be staying for a few months longer! I'll also get to continue sharing a room with Tortellini the tortoise, and be greeted by Rupert's cute little puppy face after work each day!
That's all for now,
Amy xo
Joy is loved by many but severely underrated by just as many - and sadly, in the, well it just is not embraced as it could be. So glad you are one of the ones who are changing that, and more and more, the world is beginning to smile.