Saturday, 31 December 2016

New Year's Eve

Last night, on 'new year's eve, eve,' I had a Bridget Jone's moment. A desire to clear everything out and start fresh. Followed by a realisation that my life is far from perfect and my attempts to try to make it better will not ever go as planned. Just to jog your memory, here are Bridget's resolutions at the start of the film...
Bridget Jone's Diary Script
... and those that have seen the film will know exactly how all of that went for her! Nevertheless, she had goals and hopes and, most importantly, she was real with herself when things didn't go to plan and she changed her resolutions accordingly throughout the film.
I don't do 'resolutions' at the start of each year. I begin each year with an 'adventure list'. I'll add and change the adventure list throughout the year because what are adventures worth if some of them aren't spontaneous!
But today I do want to be sorting things out. Talking to friends, spending time with my family, tidying and sorting my room, looking through old memories, and welcoming in the new year! There aren't many days in the year that I get to feel like the determined Bridget Jone's at the start of her film. So here it goes...
See you on the other side,
Amy xo
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