Friday, 24 June 2016

Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Have you ever felt that gut-wrenching sickness after receiving a result that you didn't want? 
I have.
The time I got my theory test back as a fail.
The time I was awarded 365 UMS in my media A-Level, after being promised more marks than I got, to find out that I needed 366 to reach the next grade up.
The time I didn't get captain of my secondary school 'house'.

I'm guessing that some of these experiences resound in your memories. Those feelings of sickness swirl around your head and stomach. And in those moments what is it that you hold onto? 
I feel my faith, grab a whole lot of trust, and remind myself that it will all be okay.
That is, of course, after having a major toddler-tantrum, an "it's not fair" moment and a big cry.
"...the Lord is trustworthy..."
- 2 Thessalonians 3:3

See, something that I battle with every single day is waking up with a condition that I didn't ask for, that I didn't want and that, some days, I really don't feel strong enough to cope with.
It's a condition that is there and that, for now, isn't leaving me alone. I've had to learn to make the best out of an unwelcome situation but that doesn't always make it easier. A little reminder that never fails to give me peace when I inhale the solid promise behind the words is:

"...and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him..."
- Romans 8:28

When I find peace in a situation, it is only then that I find I'm able to pour love out over people. Practically where do I go when I feel that deep, aching loss?

I scream, I cry, I long for a different outcome,

I remember that my God is bigger,

I trust that He knows what He is doing,

and then I keep on trying to love people.

Sometimes it's the hardest thing to do to love the person who took something away from you, stole your award, stole your title, marked your paper low, taught you badly. And that doesn't get easier with time and practice. We do, however, have the God who is love on our side, cheering us on to love the world and the people in it.

So have faith, trust God, and sprinkle love everywhere that you go today, tomorrow, and always!

Amy xo

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