Friday, 18 March 2016

Ready For Mexico? ¡No manches!

Just 7 full days until we leave for the airport! Wow, that's come around so quickly.
Once we've survived a 13 hour flight, or thereabouts, we will be travelling by coach from LAX (Yes, that's right, LA!!!) to San Diego, California. Excited doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now.
When we arrive at the hotel we'll get pizza and then we'll be straight to bed, exhausted and running on pure adrenalin. Energy rruussshhh.
Early the next morning I'll have a team meeting of sorts with the rest of the youth leaders and then we'll have some hotel breakfast. A time for us to fill up before we reach the campsite.
Our next mountain to climb on the list at this point is crossing the border to MEXICO.
Once over, we'll travel to the campsite and set up camp.
Over the next 5 or 6 days we will be waking up early for breakfast each morning, praying together, travelling to the build site, and building a house from the foundations to the roof. There are 5 build groups so we will be building 5 houses in 5 days.
There will be the opportunity each day for a few youth and leaders to work with the local kids in a kids club run by ourselves. An amazing opportunity this will be to interact with the locals!
At the very end of the build we will have dinner with the family who we have built a house for, we will hand over the keys and pray together, and possibly celebrate with a festival of sorts. Yay!
When we travel back over the border to San Diego we get a couple of days to process what we've just seen. We're also going to be just a 20 minute drive away from an amazing revival which is happening right now in California! Glory!
Okay, overly excitable and badly written post, over.
Amy xo
P.s. the title translates in Mexican slang to - "Ready For Mexico? No way!"
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