What's So Amazing About Grace?
Book by Phillip Yancey.
What's so amazing about grace? Everything.
Small confession: I still haven't quite finished the book.
When I first began reading I found I couldn't get beyond the 7th chapter. I love to read and do so regularly, but for some reason I couldn't get into this book. One Saturday afternoon I was discussing this with the pastor of the church I intern for, who suggested I prayed about what it was that was holding me back. As soon as I began praying, God highlighted the word "forgiveness" to me over 5 times on the next page. So I prayed a little more. (I'm not one to pray for excessive amounts of time). A name was highlighted to me, representing a friendship I have that I really struggle with regarding forgiveness and grace. As a result of this, I have begun intentionally working on this friendship to overcome the struggle whilst growing as a person.
What was next highlighted to me was very small. I had gotten into the habit of reading at night, and falling asleep mid-sentence, waking up to find my phone in my hand with the Kindle app still open. I always found my eyes getting tired, so I downloaded the audio book.
During listening to the next few chapters God highlighted another of my characteristics which struggles with grace: my passion for fairness and justice. Ever since I could talk and play with friends I have always strived to be 'fair'. If we were taking something in turns I would ensure everyone got their own turn, and be hurt when others didn't ensure I got my fair turn. My mum has told me so many stories of moments like this. So, I struggle with the idea that grace is totally unfair. Yet totally fair. As I read (or listen!) more I am developing this thought; realising that the grace I have received by Christ's death on the cross is totally unfair and totally undeserved; I sin every single day: I will continue to sin. Yet God still longs to spend time with me. To be with His daughter. He loves me eternally and doesn't hold grudges. The idea of myself treating a human, any human, in the same way is beside me. But it's warming to me.
I have come to realise that the entire Gospel would not be the same without grace. Grace is amazing and grace is everything. From graces comes love and from love comes grace. It's a never-ending and beautiful cycle.
At the moment the majority of my Facebook newsfeed is filled with Christian posts. I have begun viewing these with new eyes. Posts that are about grace stand out so much more. These are ones that are more out of context and, there, counter-grace - these I am able to filter, to pray over and to find out where I stand.
Grace is beautiful, unfair, undeserved, hard, rewarding. Grace doesn't keep track of wrongdoing. Grace is amazing.
What's so amazing about grace? Everything.

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