Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Penguins and Joy... :)

Tuesday, 24 November 2015
What's So Amazing About Grace?
What's So Amazing About Grace?
Book by Phillip Yancey.
What's so amazing about grace? Everything.
Small confession: I still haven't quite finished the book.
When I first began reading I found I couldn't get beyond the 7th chapter. I love to read and do so regularly, but for some reason I couldn't get into this book. One Saturday afternoon I was discussing this with the pastor of the church I intern for, who suggested I prayed about what it was that was holding me back. As soon as I began praying, God highlighted the word "forgiveness" to me over 5 times on the next page. So I prayed a little more. (I'm not one to pray for excessive amounts of time). A name was highlighted to me, representing a friendship I have that I really struggle with regarding forgiveness and grace. As a result of this, I have begun intentionally working on this friendship to overcome the struggle whilst growing as a person.
What was next highlighted to me was very small. I had gotten into the habit of reading at night, and falling asleep mid-sentence, waking up to find my phone in my hand with the Kindle app still open. I always found my eyes getting tired, so I downloaded the audio book.
During listening to the next few chapters God highlighted another of my characteristics which struggles with grace: my passion for fairness and justice. Ever since I could talk and play with friends I have always strived to be 'fair'. If we were taking something in turns I would ensure everyone got their own turn, and be hurt when others didn't ensure I got my fair turn. My mum has told me so many stories of moments like this. So, I struggle with the idea that grace is totally unfair. Yet totally fair. As I read (or listen!) more I am developing this thought; realising that the grace I have received by Christ's death on the cross is totally unfair and totally undeserved; I sin every single day: I will continue to sin. Yet God still longs to spend time with me. To be with His daughter. He loves me eternally and doesn't hold grudges. The idea of myself treating a human, any human, in the same way is beside me. But it's warming to me.
I have come to realise that the entire Gospel would not be the same without grace. Grace is amazing and grace is everything. From graces comes love and from love comes grace. It's a never-ending and beautiful cycle.
At the moment the majority of my Facebook newsfeed is filled with Christian posts. I have begun viewing these with new eyes. Posts that are about grace stand out so much more. These are ones that are more out of context and, there, counter-grace - these I am able to filter, to pray over and to find out where I stand.
Grace is beautiful, unfair, undeserved, hard, rewarding. Grace doesn't keep track of wrongdoing. Grace is amazing.
What's so amazing about grace? Everything.

Friday, 30 October 2015
Worship Mash Up

Tuesday, 15 September 2015
It's a personal thing...

Friday, 4 September 2015
My First Week as an Intern
Today I've been in the office preparing a few things for Sunday morning, networking with some people within the church and looking at some personal discipleship. I'm about 10 minutes into a video entitled 'John Wimber Signs Wonders1985 1/12 (Personal Pilgrimage)". It's on YouTube if you'd like to have a listen. Already some thing that has been on my heart recently is cropping up in the video. The difference between "Christians" and those who have a relationship with God.
A question to ask yourself as much as possible over the weekend:

Tuesday, 1 September 2015
Stolen Soul is LIVE
Please give it a watch it if you can spare a couple of minutes; it's such an important topic that is too often avoided in conversation.
As part of my A level in Media Studies last year we were asked to make a video. I chose to make a short film. We were also asked to write an essay answering a question that we set ourselves. I chose to answer:
How has the representation of the definition of slavery changed in the last decade and how has the media facilitated this, specifically looking at "Taken" starring Liam Neeson (2008), Channel 4's "Captive: The Sex Slave Girl" (2012), and the UK Home Office's "Modern Slavery Ad Campaign" (2014)"?
If you would like to read the 1800 word essay, let me know. It's a difficult read but has some interesting points which I started to explore.
So, yeah, please share the video with your friends!

Saturday, 29 August 2015
New Beginnings

Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Immigrant - a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country?

Tuesday, 28 July 2015
A little Disney always helps...
"I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!" - Spongebob Squarepants. This can always be our cry in response to the next place in life that God is calling us to. We need to remember that these two words are spoken to us over 80 times in the Bible: FEAR NOT.
"Some people are worth melting for" - Olaf (Frozen). l.o.v.e. Love. To me, this is the most important thing about being a Christian. It was through love that we have received grace when Jesus died on the cross. He would certainly say you are worth melting for.
"The things that make me different are the things that make me" - Winnie the Pooh. You are unique, you are different. Through God you are not the same as anyone else, you are even different from the person you used to be before you knew God. That's a good thing. We were all made in God's image (Genesis 1:27) and we were all made to be different.
"I can't go back to yesterday - because I was a different person then" - Alice (Alice in Wonderland).
Like in the last quote, we are reminded that we are not the same as we used to be. Because of this we can be free. The lyrics that came to my head were ones that I heard at a Christian Youth Equipping Day in Watford not that long ago. "Oh no, nothing's gonna hold me back. No, nothing's gonna hold me back. No, nothing's gonna hold me back" - sung by Tom Smith. Some other encouraging lyrics that I'm reminded of are:
"I am chosen, I am free, I am living for eternity, free now forever. You washed me sin and shame away, the slate is clean, a brand new day, I'm yours now forever." - Tim Hughes (Holding Nothing Back), and "take the shackles off my feet so I can dance, I just wanna praise you, I just wanna praise you. You broke my chains" - Mary Mary (Shackles).
Alice felt lonely and isolated in an entirely new world which she wasn't used to and didn't fit into. The glorious truth of God's world is that everyone belongs there, no matter who they are today and who they were yesterday.
These are just a few of my interpretations. Below is the entire list of the 50 quotes which I found here.
Please comment or message me if you think you have any thoughts on these or others of the quotes!
I had a lot of fun writing this post for you all, I hope you enjoyed reading it.
I do not claim rights to any graphics or quotes.
These interpretations are just my opinion, I am open to other thoughts.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Sunday, 17 May 2015
WiFi vs. God
I feel this type of title needs some explaining, stick with this post and you'll grasp it all I'm sure! Okay so who here is an Apple user - iPhone? And who here is an Android or other user? I'm a Samsung girl. Recently, during a break from my two-day a level art exam, I switched on the school Wifi to Google something on my phone. Much to my surprise the phone switched off and decided to update without my permission. I was mortified. I never, ever update my phone or computer operating systems, for fear that I won’t like the change. I'm sure if it came down to it though and the device wouldn't work anymore without it then I'd use it as a final resort. Since the unexpected system update on my phone I've noticed a few things that are slower, and not nearly as great. There are some plus sides but anyone with this update will tell you that the new layout was a bit of a shock to Android users. After putting up with these issues for a week or two I looked into updating some of the individual apps on my phone. I figured with the operating system update the old apps might not be able to cope. It turns out that 46 of my apps needed updating whilst 22 were up-to-date. I selected the few apps that I use frequently to see if any change took place post-update. For these updates I used WiFi, a lot cheaper than 3G for me, but involves being at home or in a WiFi zone. Updates like this can be unwelcome, something that is different and new, something that is unknown but the makers know what they're doing. I don't know about you but with this story God seems to slot right into the role of WiFi. He's the source of all knowledge, has the power to upload, download, delete, and refresh all operating systems, also known as mobile phones. That's us. I'm not saying we're each a tiny little screen with a couple of buttons, you're a powerful computer, you have the potential to go far and change the world. But where would a mobile phone be without WiFi? Sure, it could do the essentials and call for help in an emergency or send a text asking your mum for a lift but it has the potential to do so much more. A potential that can only be unlocked by the use of WiFi. Our human bodies can do the unimaginable through Christ. As soon as we tap into His Spirit we are able to do so much more. But what exactly does a mobile phone need WiFi for? In addition to the previously mentioned system updates a mobile phone can need WiFi for a large number of things. Updating individual apps, browsing the internet, making connections via social media. As Christians we've received our system update from God. One that has been given to us by the death of Christ and one that we know is so so so so much better than an awful phone update. I promise you that. Jesus came to die for all of our sins, all of your sins, so that you could have a new life in Him. That's an amazing human system update, we've been reborn. Once this happens we can find ourselves feeling run down along the way. That's where the app updates come into play. When you pray and ask God for guidance He highlights to you various parts of your life that need an update over WiFi. Parts of your life that have been drained and need a new wave of the Holy Spirit upon them. Perhaps in your updates list are things such as relationships, school work, stress, loneliness, friends, uncertainty. God wants to update these areas of your life, first you need to ask Him to. The second thing that I mentioned that we can use WiFi for is browsing the internet. When I am making a big decision on a new purchase or the next stage in my life I turn to "trusty, old" Google as well as God. Time after time I find myself turning to Google for the answers. This feature is only enabled over WiFi. In our lives we often find ourselves searching for answers. We have access to a big God, brace yourself for the three quite-big-words coming up, who is not only benevolent but also omnipotent and omniscient. These mean that He is not only all loving but He is all powerful and ALL KNOWING. Just ask and you shall find. Sometimes we must accept that the answer is no and trust God because, unlike Google, He KNOWS what will happen tomorrow and the day after and the years after. He has a plan so suited to you that it's impossible to fathom. We can access this when we search. The last thing that I mentioned we need WiFi for is for social media connections. Facebook and messenger actually crashed on my phone moments before I got this analogy from God, leading me to start writing this. For this I have two real-life relations. The first is Christian friendship. Through God, aka WiFi for the time being, we can make connections with Christians near and far, building supportive relationships, which are essential for a happy life with a sense of security. The second is spreading God's love through whichever talent He has blessed you with. Perhaps you have a Twitter gift, that you're able to perfectly sum up God's love and tweet it out to many of your friends. Perhaps you have an Instagram gift, you use your skills in art and photography/film to reach out and make connections with people. Perhaps you have a Pinterest gift, you're great at solving problems and giving creative solutions. Perhaps you're a reverse Timehop type of guy; you're able to connect with God and receive prophetic messages, encouraging messages from God about a person or situation, often links with the future. Or even a Snapchat gift; you have the ability to radiate God's love to others by the smile on your face. You get the idea. Overall, what I'm really trying to stress is that WE NEED GOD. None of the things listed above can be done effectively without first checking that your signal strength from God is strong and that your connection isn't interrupted. There are different ways to get to this stage which you can explore: worship and prayer and the two most common ways of reaching out to God. You might have picked up on the idea that we can also use 3G for many of these updates. For me, this is the most expensive and quite often the most time consuming route. Using 3G is like taking the right route without a full connection to God – you still still end up where God planned for you to be but it took all the more effort to get there. With God, He will do all the work for you. Enough analogies for one Sunday evening, I will leave you with these words from the Bible... |

Monday, 13 April 2015
The Best University

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Tuesday, 17 March 2015
That Matching Pyjama Feeling

Monday, 16 March 2015
My Video Campaigns
You will all be the first to know when they are up and running, for now here is a still from each to get you all thinking.
27 Million Music Video
Stolen Soul Short Documentary Video

Saturday, 14 March 2015
The Dark Room Appreciation Post

Friday, 6 March 2015
Where the Spirit of the Lord is...

Wednesday, 4 March 2015
What is 'freedom' and why is it 'a beautiful thing'?
Why not start as I mean to go on?
Instead of boring you with information about myself I'm jumping straight in and answering the questions that a lot of people ask themselves when they discover a new blog. Why is it called that? What does it mean? What's its relevance to their posts?
Okay, so why is this blog named 'Freedom is a Beautiful Thing'?
Well, in essence it is because freedom IS a beautiful thing. But, as you may have guessed at the fact that this entire post is about a title, it also represents something more: my dream. I have a vision of a world in which slavery is a distant memory held only alive in order to remind us never to let a person suffer again. As well as this dream, I am still in awe at the gift of grace that we received when Christ died for us, freeing us from our sin!
What does it mean?
'Freedom' has a number of different definitions in the Oxford Dictionary. One of which states that freedom is the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. This can mean both mentally and physically.
'Beautiful' is a word that also encompasses a variety of different meanings. It means love, happiness, warmth, colour, beyond imaginable.
What's the relevance of this title to future posts?
Well, from the previous two answers you may have already guessed that I'm a Christian. I was saved when I was 11, I prayed the prayer. When I turned 15 I got baptised to publicly declare my faith. My posts will be about life in general, God-inspired messages and posts about the modern slave trade.
Just a little extra question that you may now be asking yourself.. Who is this blogger?
I'm GirlWithADream, a girl from the UK, that's all you need to know! I'm here if you need to chat, if you'd like some prayer or if you have any difficult questions that you would like me to attempt to answer.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Instead of boring you with information about myself I'm jumping straight in and answering the questions that a lot of people ask themselves when they discover a new blog. Why is it called that? What does it mean? What's its relevance to their posts?
Okay, so why is this blog named 'Freedom is a Beautiful Thing'?
Well, in essence it is because freedom IS a beautiful thing. But, as you may have guessed at the fact that this entire post is about a title, it also represents something more: my dream. I have a vision of a world in which slavery is a distant memory held only alive in order to remind us never to let a person suffer again. As well as this dream, I am still in awe at the gift of grace that we received when Christ died for us, freeing us from our sin!
What does it mean?
'Freedom' has a number of different definitions in the Oxford Dictionary. One of which states that freedom is the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. This can mean both mentally and physically.
'Beautiful' is a word that also encompasses a variety of different meanings. It means love, happiness, warmth, colour, beyond imaginable.
What's the relevance of this title to future posts?
Well, from the previous two answers you may have already guessed that I'm a Christian. I was saved when I was 11, I prayed the prayer. When I turned 15 I got baptised to publicly declare my faith. My posts will be about life in general, God-inspired messages and posts about the modern slave trade.
Just a little extra question that you may now be asking yourself.. Who is this blogger?
I'm GirlWithADream, a girl from the UK, that's all you need to know! I'm here if you need to chat, if you'd like some prayer or if you have any difficult questions that you would like me to attempt to answer.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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