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Sometimes it takes a small, enjoyable step to love someone. To give a hug, to share a smile.
When you've been hurt, though, it's not so easy, not so enjoyable.
1. A strong feeling of affection
2. A great interest (and pleasure) in something
Sometimes there is little pleasure in it. Sometimes it becomes unbearable. They've hurt you, they've done it before, and now they've done it again. You tell yourself that they'll continue to do so. And why wouldn't they? They are still the same person.
Here's a thought: What if you're not the same person anymore?
The ability to love the lost and the hurt, at first, seems more than possible. I'm sure you could ask any number of people if they feel compassion towards people less fortunate and many will say 'yes'.
Everyone that has hurt you, that does hurt you, that will hurt you... they're fighting similar battles. Battling feelings of isolation, a lack of belonging, suffering in a love-draught.
s y n o n y m s o f l o v e :
Love goes so much deeper than any of these words. Love doesn't have to be a friendship, Love doesn't have to be easy, Love doesn't have to mean contact.
a n t o n y m s o f l o v e :
ill will
Perhaps you felt those words as you read them. Perhaps you've felt that someone close to you was disloyal, someone who you trusted neglected you, someone caused you unforgettable misery.
You need Love as much as they need Love. Forgiveness doesn't come easy; it's a love thing. Deeply know that you are forgiven by Love and you can forgive.
Acknowledging that Love plays a vital part in a restoration of an enjoyable life is key.
Living that out isn't always easy, but it certainly gives you a light weight to carry. A weight that doesn't exist because Love carries it.
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and does not get upset with others. Love does not count up wrongs that have been done. Love takes no pleasure in evil but rejoices over the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always endures. Love never ends."
I've had my share of evolving friendships, abandonment, rejection, corrupted relationships ever since I was small. But I refuse to wear those labels. I refuse to let the people that hurt me before taint me now. I stood strong knowing my identity in Jesus, in Love. And do you know what? Most of those friends, people who were vessels of hurt for me, I still love them. I've become the listener in my relationship with them. I share the most about me with those I choose to do so with. But I choose to be someone that anyone can share the most about themselves with.
I'm not the same person as I was before I was hurt; I get my strength from Love.
I wear labels of 'loved' and 'lover'. It is because I am loved, by Love Himself, that I can love and that I do love.
You are loved.
Say 'yes' to being loved, to being a lover. It's really worth it. A life in love is a life worth living. It takes courage. When you love in courage you are set free. When you encourage someone out of a darker place and into a lighter one, you are loving them. Love is light, in both senses of the word.
Amy xo
Imagine an ideal world; a perfect place.
What does yours look like? A collection of beautiful waterfalls winding through a peaceful planet... no, perhaps that's too picturesque. Is it loud or is it quiet? Is it bright or is it plain?
We all have places where our mind aspires for us to be. Be that your own ideal world, or your favourite place already on earth with your favourite person.
1. A feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen.
2. A feeling of trust.
3. Want something to happen or be the case.
In essence, 'hope' is quite a big word with not very many letters and only one syllable. 'Hope' encompasses the desires of our hearts.
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'Hope' brings new beginnings and new light into a place of seemingly-eternal darkness.
"HOPE: Remains upbeat - Ignores doubters - Is future focussed - Stares down discouragement - Survives obstacles - Inspires others"
- Brian Houston
If hope is all you've got, hold onto it like an anchor, because it can take you to positive places that you never expected you'd get to.
Amy xo